Following My Barefeet
I lost my talk so I went for a walk, following my feet into the land. I climbed into a tree sucked into a breeze and I began to understand.
Then I heard the news so I took off my shoes and followed my feet higher into the stone. I fell into a walk, listened to the talk and found my way touching home.
Awe! The old ones walked the ground. That is how they would reveal the sounds, and the old ones left a talk in me, and all I have to do is follow my feet.
Well, I jumped into a run with the rising sun following my shadow across the day, and the longer that I ran across the open lands, I could feel the old ones say:
“Your feet had left the ground, lost touch with the sound, your feet have been cut off from the word. Well, you can touch again and feel the song within and make sense of the things that are heard!”
Awe! The old ones ran the ground. That is how they would understand the sounds and the old ones left a run in me, and all I have to do is run with my feet.
Well, I began to dance walk with a prance, following the rhythm of the song. The longer that I danced, I fell into a trance and could feel where my talk had gone wrong.
So I continued to dance, listening to the chant, dancing with the solar fire, and then I realized that deep down inside the fire was the same as desire.
Awe! The old ones danced the ground. That is how they would sing the sounds and the old ones left a song in me, and all I have to do is dance with my feet.
Well something was up, a sadness in my gut. There was pain on the path ahead. So I followed the pain, stepped into the shame and walked into the land of the dead.
It was harder to breathe. We had cut down all the trees and my walk fell into a slump. We had cut down all the trees, twisted by our greed and I walked in the land of the stumps.
Awe! The old ones are in my bones. I can feel them in my muscle tone and the old ones left a truth in me, and all I have to do is be strong with my feet.
So, where do I go to find those that know? That our walk, it has a choice! Where do I go to find those that know that the forest, it has a voice?
We refuse to turn back, stay on the path and don’t hide on the city floor. We continue to walk on, heal the wrongs and sing, arrogance will be no more!
Awe! The old ones are all around and I can use my bare soles to know the sounds. For the old ones left a knowing in me and all I have to do is grow old with my Barefeet Landing On Ground!!
– Mick